Los acrónimos y abreviaturas utilizados en óptica de rayos X y en sincrotrones se definen aquí por orden alfabético.
Acrónimos | Definición | Categoría |
3D | three dimensional | term |
ACA | American Crystallographic Association | institution |
ACF | AutoCorrellation Function | term |
ACI | Absorption Contrast Imaging | term |
ADRESS | SLS beamline for "ADvanced RESonant Spectroscopies" (at X03MA") | beamline |
AFL | Adiabatically Focusing Lens | device |
AFM | Atomic Force Microscopy | method |
AIST | National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology | institution |
ALBA | "ALBA" Synchrotron Light Facilty (formerly Laboratorio de Luz Sincrotrón), Vallés, Spain | synchrotron |
ALD | Atomic Layer Deposition | method |
ALICE | Accelerators and Lasers In Combined Experiments | institution |
ALS | Advanced Light Source, Berkeley, CA | synchrotron |
ANKA | Ångströmquelle Karlsruhe | synchrotron |
AOFSRR | Asia-Oceania Forum for Synchrotron Radiation Research | Konferenz |
APD | Avalanche Photodiode | device |
APS | Advanced Photon Source, Argonne, Illinois | synchrotron |
ARJ | American Journal of Roentgenology | Zeitschrift |
ARRS | American Roentgen Ray Society | institution |
AS | Australian Synchrotron, Melbourne, Victoria | synchrotron |
ASAXS | Anomalous Small Angle X-ray Scattering | method |
ASCA | Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and Astrophysics | device |
ASM | All-Sky Monitor | device |
ASTRID | Institute for Storage Ring Facilities, Aarhus, Denmark | synchrotron |
AXAF | Advanced X-ray Astrophysical Facility | institution |
AXAF-I | Imaging Advanced X-ray Astrophysical Facility | institution |
AXAF-S | Spectroscopy Advanced X-ray Astrophysical Facility | institution |
BAMline | BESSY beamline (= "ID-02-1") | beamline |
BAT | Burst (gamma ray) alert telescope | device |
BBCO | Backscattering Bragg Crystal Optics | device |
BBXRT | Broad Band X-ray Telescope | device |
BCDI | Bragg X-ray Coherent Diffraction Imaging | method |
BCO | Bragg Crystal Optics | device |
BCRL | Bubble Compound Refractive Lens | device |
BESSY | Berliner Elektronenspeicherring-Gesellschaft für Synchrotronstrahlung m.b.H. | synchrotron |
BFML | Bragg Fresnel Multilayer Lenses | device |
BFO | Bragg Fresnel Optics | device |
BL | Beamline | device |
BLCA | Bent Laue Crystal Analyse | method |
BM | Bending Magnet | device |
BPM | Beam Position Monitoring | method |
BSRF | Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Beijing | synchrotron |
CA | Clear Aperture | term |
CAMD | Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Baton Rouge, Louisiana | synchrotron |
CANDLE | Center for the Advancement of Natural Discoveries using Light Emission | synchrotron |
CARL | Compound Array Refractive Lens | device |
CAT | Computerized Axial Tomography | method |
CCD | Charge-Coupled Device | device |
CDI | Coherent Diffractive Imaging | method |
CELLS | Consortium for the Exploitation of the Synchrotron Light Laboratory at ALBA | institution |
CESR | Cornell Electron-Positron Storage Ring | synchrotron |
CGRI | Center for Gamma-Ray Imaging an der Universität von Arizona | institution |
CHESS | Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source, Ithaca, New York | synchrotron |
CHX | Coherent Hard X-ray Scattering | beamline |
CIRCE | ALBA beamline for photoemission spectroscopy and microscopy | beamline |
CLESSIDRA | = "hour glass" in Italian; mosaic type refractive X-ray lens developed at ELETTRA | device |
CLS | Canadian Light Source (CLS), Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | synchrotron |
CMOS | Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor | device |
Con-X | Constellation-X Mission (NASA X-ray telescope project now called NASA IXO) | device |
CPRXL | Compound Parabolic Refractive X-ray Lenses | device |
CPU | Circularly Polarizing Undulator | device |
CRL | Compound Refractive Lens | device |
CRT | Cathode Ray Tube | device |
CS | Central Stop | device |
cSAXS | SLS beamline for coherent small-angle x-ray scattering (at "X12SA") | beamline |
CSX | Coherent Soft X-ray Scattering and polarization | beamline |
CT | Computed Tomography | method |
CTF | Contrast Transfer Function | term |
CuZP | Cubic Zone Plate | device |
CVD | Chemical Vapour Deposition | method |
CXD | Coherent X-ray Diffraction | method |
CXDI | Coherent X-ray Diffraction Imaging | method |
CXO | Chandra X-ray Observatory | device |
CXRL | Center for X-ray Lithography, Univ. of Wisconsin, Stoughton, WI, USA | institution |
CXRO | Center for X-ray Optics at Berkeley, CA | institution |
CXS | ARC Center of Excellence for Coherent X-ray Science, Victoria, Australia | institution |
CXS | Coherent X-ray Scattering | method |
CZP | Cubic Zone Plate | device |
D-MOSTAB | Control unit for stabilizing the monochromators (at synchrotron sources) | device |
DAC | Diamond Anvil Cell | device |
DAFS | Diffraction Anomalous Fine Structure | method |
DAXM | Differential Aperture X-ray Microscope | device |
DCE | Data Collection Efficiency | term |
DCM | Double-Crystal Monochromator | device |
DCT | Diffraction Contrast Tomography | method |
DEI | Diffraction Enhanced Imaging | method |
DELTA | Dortmund Electron Test Accelerator, Dortmund, Germany | synchrotron |
DESY | Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron, Hamburg, Germany | synchrotron |
DFELL | Duke University Free Electron Laser Laboratory | synchrotron |
DFI | Dark Field Illumination | method |
DGK | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kristallographie | institution |
DIAMOND | British National Synchrotron at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, GB | synchrotron |
DLS | Dynamic Light Scattering | method |
DMM | Double Multilayer Monochromator | device |
DOE | Diffractive Optical Element | device |
DOF | Depth Of Field | term |
DORIS | storage ring at DESY | synchrotron |
DPC | Differential Phase Contrast | term |
DPHM | Double-Prism Holographic Microscopy | method |
DQE | Detective Quantum Efficiency | term |
DSC | Differential Scanning Calorimetry | method |
DSP | Digital signal processor | device |
DW | Damping Wiggler | device |
DXRL | Deep X-Ray Lithography | method |
DXT | Diffracted X-ray Tracking | method |
EBCT | Electron Beam Tomography | method |
EBL | Electron Beam Lithography | method |
EBS | Extremely Brilliant Source | device |
ECR | European Congress of Radiology | Konferenz |
EDX | Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy | method |
EELS | Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy | method |
EEM | Elastic Emission Machining | method |
EF-PEEM | Energy Filtered Photoelectron Emission Spectroscopy | method |
ELETTRA | Elettra Synchrotron Light Source, Trieste, Italy | synchrotron |
ELISA | European LIght Sources Activities | institution |
ELSA | Electron Stretcher Accelerator, Bonn, Germany | synchrotron |
EMRS | European Materials Research Society | institution |
EPFL | Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | institution |
EPU | Elliptically Polarizing Undulator | device |
EPW | Elliptically Polarizing Wiggler | device |
ERL | Energy Recovery Linac | device |
ESA | European Space Agency | institution |
ESAC | European Space Astronomy Centre | institution |
ESF | Edge Spread Function | term |
ESRF | European Synchrotron Radiation Facility | synchrotron |
ESUO | European Synchrotron Users Organisation | institution |
ETSF | European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility | institution |
EUV | Extreme Ultraviolet | term |
EXAFS | Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure | method |
EXOSAT | European Space Agency's X-ray Observatory | device |
FCDI | Fresnel Coherent Diffractive Imaging | method |
FDI | Fresnel Diffraction Imaging | method |
FE | Front End (of a beam line) | device |
FEA | Finite Element Analysis | method |
FEL | Free Electron Laser | device |
FFDXM | Full Field Diffraction X-ray Microscopy | method |
FFT | Fast Fourier Transformation | term |
FF-TXM | Full Field Transmission X-ray Microscopy | method |
FIB | Focused Ion Beam | device |
FLASH | FEL at DESY, Hamburg, Germany | synchrotron |
FOV | Field Of View | term |
FPM | Fourier ptychographic microscopy | method |
FR CCD | Fast Readout CCD | device |
FRET | Fluorescence (or Förster) Resonance Energy Transfer | method |
FS | Fermi Surface | term |
FSGM | Focusing Spherical Grating Monochromator | device |
FTH | Fourier Transform Holography | method |
FTH | Fourier Transformation | term |
FWHM | Full Width at Half Maximum | term |
FZP | Fresnel Zone Plate | device |
GADDS | General Area Detector Diffraction System | device |
GBI | Grating Based Imaging | method |
GDS | Ground State Depletion | method |
GEM | Gas Electron Multiplier | device |
GEXRF | Grazing-Emission X-Ray Fluorescence | method |
GISAS | Grazing Incidence Small-Angle Scattering | method |
GISAXS | Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-ray Scattering | method |
GIWAXS | Grazing Incidence Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering | method |
GIXRD | Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction | method |
GM | Göbel Mirror | device |
GRB | Gamma Ray Burst | term |
GTSAXS | Grazing-Transmission Small Angle X-ray Scattering | method |
Gy | Gray, a unit for measuring radiation | term |
HASYLAB | Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungslabor at DESY, Hamburg, Germany | synchrotron |
HEA | High Energy Astronomy | term |
HEMS | High Energy Materials Science Beamline | device |
HEXITEC | HEXITEC consortium (High Energy X-ray Imaging Technology) | method |
HFSR | High Spatial Frequency (of e.g. a mirror surface; measured over a length of 1 nm to 1 µm) | term |
HHG | High Harmonic Generation | term |
HHL | High Heat Load | term |
HIM | Helium Ion Microscope | device |
HiSOR | Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center | synchrotron |
HOPG | Highly Oriented Pyrolitic Graphite | device |
HRXRD | High Resolution X-ray Diffraction | method |
HSFR | High Spatial Frequency Roughness | term |
HSRC | Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center | synchrotron |
HTRS | High Time Resolution Spectrometer | device |
HXD | Hard X-ray Detector | device |
HXN | Hard X-ray Nanoprobe | beamline |
HXT | Hard X-ray Telescope | device |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency | institution |
IBL | Imaging Beamline | device |
ICNX | International Conference on Neutron and X-ray scattering | Konferenz |
ICRP | International Commission on Radiological Protection | institution |
ID | Insertion Device | device |
ID22 | ESRF high resolution powder diffraction beamline | beamline |
IDH | Internal Detector Holography | method |
IGCT | Inverse Geometry Computer Tomography | method |
IM | Intermediate Mask (in the LIGA-process) | device |
IMRT | Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy | method |
IMT | Institute for Microstructure Technology | institution |
INDUS-1+2 | Center for Advanced Technology, Indore, India | synchrotron |
IPAC | International Program and Advisory Board | institution |
IR | SLS beamline for infrared spectroscopy (at "X01DC") | beamline |
IRPS | International Radiation Physics Society | institution |
ISA | Institute for Storage Ring Facilities, Aarhus, Denmark | synchrotron |
ISH | Internal Source Holography | method |
IUCr | International Union of Crystallography | institution |
IVPMU | In-Vacuum Permanent Magnet Undulator | device |
IVU | In-Vacuum Undulator | device |
IXO | International X-ray Observatory | device |
IXS | Inelastic X-ray Scattering | method |
IXS | Inelastic X-ray Scattering | beamline |
JAXA | Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency | institution |
JSSRR | Japanese Society for Synchrotron Radiation Research | institution |
KBM | Kirkpatrick-Baez Mirror | device |
KDI | Keyhole Diffraction Imaging | method |
KFS | Komitee "Forschung mit Synchrotronstrahlung" | institution |
KTH | Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden | institution |
LCLS | Linac Coherent Light Source (FEL) | synchrotron |
LCS | Laser-Compton-Scattering (X-ray facility) | method |
LECBD | Low-Energy Cluster Beam Deposition | method |
LEO | Lobster Eye Optics | device |
LEO | Low Earth Orbit | term |
LEPECVD | Low Energy Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition | method |
LEXRF | Low Energy X-ray Fluorescence | method |
LID | Long Insertion Device | device |
LIGA | Lithographie, Galvanoformung und Abformung (= micro structuring process including: lithography, electroplating and molding) | method |
Linac | Linear Particle Accelerator | device |
LNLS | Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron, Sao Paolo, Brazil | synchrotron |
LPP | Laser Puls Plasma (Soft X-ray source) | device |
LSF | Line Spread Function | term |
LSFR | Low Spatial Frequency Roughness | term |
LSO | Lutetiumoxyorthosilicat | device |
LTP | Long Trace Profiler | device |
LURE | Laboratoire pour l'Utilisation du Rayonnement Electromagnétique, Orsay, France | synchrotron |
MAD | Multiwavelength Anomalous Diffraction | method |
MARS | Soleil beamline for Multi-Analyses on Radioactive Samples | beamline |
MAX IV | MAX IV, Lund, Sweden | synchrotron |
MBE | Molecular Beam Epitaxy | method |
MCP | Micro Channel Plate | device |
MDCT | Multidetector Computed Tomography | method |
MEMS | Micro-Electro-Mechanical System | term |
MEXH | Multiple Energy X-ray Holography | method |
MFO | Multi Foil Optics | device |
Micromegas | Micro-Mesh Gaseous Structure detector | device |
MicroXAS | SLS beamline for XAS and XRF with high spatial resolution | beamline |
MISTRAL | ALBA beamline for X-ray microscopy (= "XM") | beamline |
MLL | Multilayer Laue Lens | device |
MLM | Multi Layer Mirror | device |
MNA | Malaysian Nuclear Agency | institution |
MOA | Microstructured Optical Array | device |
MOEMS | Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical System | term |
MOKE | Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect | term |
MOSTAB | Control unit for stabilizing the monochromators (at a synchrotron source) | device |
MPG | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft | institution |
MPGD | Micro Pattern Gaseous Detector | device |
MPI | Max-Planck-Institut | institution |
MPL | Multi-Prism X-ray Lens | device |
MPO | Micro Pore Optics | device |
MS | SLS beamline for material science (at "X04SA") | beamline |
MSD | Magnetron Sputter Deposition | method |
MSFR | Mid Spatial Frequency Roughness | term |
MSPD | ALBA beamline for Materials Science and Powder Diffraction | beamline |
MTF | Modulation Transfer Function | term |
MuCLS | Munich Compact Light Source | device |
MURA | Modified Uniformly Redundant Array | term |
NASA | National American Space Agency | institution |
NCD | ALBA beamline for Non Crystalline Diffraction (= "NCD - Port 11") | beamline |
NCXT | The National Center for X-ray Tomography | institution |
NewSUBARU | Synchrotron of the University of Hyogo, Japan | synchrotron |
NEXAFS | Near-edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (Spectroscopy) | method |
NFL | Nanofocusing Refractive X-ray Lens | device |
NIMS | National Institute for Materials Science (X-Ray Physics Group), University of Tsukuba, Japan | institution |
NINA | Nano Imaging and Nano Analysis beamline at ESRF: planned | beamline |
NP | Nano Particle | term |
NSLS | National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookhaven, New York | synchrotron |
NSRC | National Synchrotron Research Center, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, jetzt: SLRI | synchrotron |
NSRL | National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, Hefei, China | synchrotron |
NSRRC | National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan | synchrotron |
NZZP | Negatif (phase shift) Zernike Zone Plate | device |
OCT | Optical Coherent Tomography | method |
ODF | Orientation Distribution Function | term |
OPG | Orthopantomogram (panoramic scanning dental X-ray showing a 2D view of a half-circle from ear to ear) | method |
ORGUES | Organisation of the Users of Soleil | institution |
OSA | Order Sorting Aperture oder Optical Spectrum Analyser | device |
OTF | Optical Transfer Function | term |
PAL | Prism-Array X-ray Lens | device |
PAL | Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, Pohang, Korea | synchrotron |
PCI | Phase Contrast Imaging | term |
PCD | Photon Counting Device | device |
PCRD | The Pharmaceutical Powder X-ray Diffraction Symposium | Konferenz |
PCVM | Plasma Chemical Vaporization Machining | method |
PDS | The Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference | Konferenz |
PECVD | Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition | method |
PEEM | Photoelectron Emission Spectroscopy | method |
PEPICO | Photoelectron-Photoion Coincidence | method |
PES | Photoemission Spectroscopy | method |
PETRA | Positron Electron Tandem Ring Accelerator | synchrotron |
PF | Photon Factory, Tsukuba, Japan | synchrotron |
PIXE | Particle-Induced X-Ray Emission (or: Proton Induced X-Ray Emission) | method |
pixel | single image point in 2D imaging; from "picture" and "element" | term |
PLD | Pulsed Laser Deposition | method |
PM | Phase Modulator (in phase contrast imaging) | device |
PMMA | Polymethyl methacrylate, a positive resist better known as acrylic glass | device |
POLFEL | geplanter Polnischer Freie Elektronen Laser | beamline |
PolLux | SLS beamline | beamline |
PRL | Prism array Refractive Lens | device |
PRXL | Parabolic Refractive X-ray Lens | device |
PSD | Power Spectral Density (also: Position Sensitve Device) | term |
PSF | Point Spread Function | term |
PSI | Paul Scherrer Institute | institution |
PSPMT | Position Sensitive Photo-Multiplier Tube | device |
PSRS | Polish Synchrotron Radiation Society | institution |
PVD | Physical Vapour Deposition | method |
PXI | SLS beamline for macromolecular crystallography (at "X06SA") | beamline |
PXII | SLS beamline for protein crystallography (at "X10SA") | beamline |
PXIII | SLS beamline for protein crystallography (at "X06DA") | beamline |
PXM | Projection X-ray Microscopy | method |
PZZP | Positif (phase shift) Zernike Zone Plate | device |
QEXAFS | Quick Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure | method |
RADSI | Relative Angle Determinable Stitching Interferometry | method |
RARAF | Radiological Research Accelerator Facility, Columbia, University of N.Y., USA | institution |
RAS | Resonant Auger Spectroscopy | method |
RCI | Rocking Curve Imaging | method |
RIE | Reactive Ion Etching | method |
RIXS | Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering | method |
RMS | Root Mean Square | term |
ROI | Region Of Interest | term |
ROSAT | Roentgen Satellite | device |
RPXM | Refractive Prism X-ray Monochromator | device |
RRCAT | Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology | institution |
RSM | Reciprocal Space Mapping | method |
RSNA | Radiological Society of North America | institution |
RXMO | Rolled X-ray Mirror Optics | device |
RXPL | Rolled X-Ray Prism Lens | device |
RXRR | X-ray Reflectivity | term |
RZP | Regular Zone Plate | device |
SARX | Latin American Seminar of Analysis by X-ray Techniques | Konferenz |
SAS | International Conference on Small-Angle Scattering | Konferenz |
SASTT | Small Angle Scattering Tensor Tomography | method |
SAXRD | Skew Angle X-ray Diffraction | method |
SAXS | Small Angle X-ray Scattering | method |
SBI | X-ray Speckle-Based phase-contrast Imaging | method |
SBM | Single Bounce Mirror | device |
SCD | Single Crystal Diffraction | method |
sCMOS | scientific CMOS | device |
SCSS | Compact SASE source at SPring-8 | synchrotron |
SDD | Silicon Drift Detector | device |
SDPT | Single Point Diamond Turning | method |
SEEM | Secondary Electron Emission Microscopy | method |
SGM | Single Göbel-Mirror | device |
SHARX | Shack-Hartmann Sensor for Hard X-rays | device |
SHIM | Scanning Helium Ion Microscope | device |
SHS | Shack-Hartmann Sensor | device |
SIE | Spectral Intensity Enhancement | term |
SIM | SLS beamline for Surfaces / Interfaces Microscopy (at "X11MA") | beamline |
SIS | SLS beamline for Surface and Interface Spectroscopy (at "X09LA") | beamline |
SLAC | Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (since Oct 2008 = SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory ) | synchrotron |
SLDD | Scattering Length Density Difference | term |
SLRI | Synchrotron Light Research Institute, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand | synchrotron |
SLS | Swiss Light Source, Villigen, Switzerland | synchrotron |
SOLEIL | SOLEIL Synchrotron, Saint-Aubin, France | synchrotron |
SoXBIC | Soft X-ray Beam Induced Current | method |
SPEAR3 | synchrotron light facility at SSRL | institution |
SPECT | Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography | method |
SPELEEM | Spectroscopic Photo Emission and Low Energy Electron Microscope (combination of LEEM and spectroscopic imaging) | device |
SPEM | Spectromicroscopy | method |
SPES | Slow Photoelectron Spectrocopy | method |
SPHM | Single-Prism Holographic Microscopy | method |
SPO | Silicon Pore Optics | device |
SPring-8 | Super Photon Ring - 8 GeV, Nishi-Harima, Japan | synchrotron |
SR | Synchrotron Radiation | term |
SRA | Synchrotron Radiation in Art and Archaeology | Konferenz |
SRC | Synchrotron Radiation Center, Madison, Wisconsin | synchrotron |
SRCD | Synchrotron Radiation Circular Dichroism | term |
SRCL | Synchrotron Radiation Computerized Laminography | method |
SRL | Saw-tooth Refractive Lens | device |
SRS | Synchrotron Radiation Source, Daresbury, U. K. | synchrotron |
SR-STM | Synchrotron Radiation Scanning Tunneling Microscopy | method |
SRSXTM | Super-Resolution Scanning X-ray Transmission Microscopy | method |
SRX | Submicron Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy | beamline |
SRXTM | Synchrotron Radiation based X-ray Tomographic Microscopy | method |
SSLS | Singapore Synchrotron Light Source, Singapore | synchrotron |
SSTRC | Siberian Synchrotron Radiation Centre, Novosibirsk, Russia | synchrotron |
SSRF | Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Shanghai | synchrotron |
SSRL | Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, Menlo Park, California | synchrotron |
STEDM | Stimulated Emission Depleted Microscopy (VIS) | method |
STXRM | Scanning Transmisison X-Ray-Microscopy | method |
SU-8 | an X-ray resistant negative resist | device |
SuperXAS | SLS beamline for XAS (at "X10DA") | beamline |
SwissFEL | Swiss Free Electron Laser | beamline |
SXDM | Scanning X-ray Diffraction Microscopy | method |
SXES | Soft X-ray Emission Spectroscopy | method |
SXFM | Scanning X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy | method |
SXM | Scanning X-ray Microscopy | method |
SXR | Soft X-rays | term |
SXT | Soft X-ray Telescope | device |
SXTM | Scanning X-ray Transmission Microscopy | method |
SXU | Soft X-ray Undulator | device |
SZP | Spiral Zone Plate | device |
TAI | Talbot Array Illuminator | device |
TEDDI | Tomographic Energy-Dispersive Diffraction Imaging | method |
TER | Total External Reflection | term |
TGM | Twin Göbel-Mirror | device |
TIR | Total Internal Reflection | term |
TLS | Taiwan Light Source | synchrotron |
TOMCAT | SLS beamline for "TOmographic Microscopy and Coherent rAdiology experimenTs" | beamline |
TPEPICO | Threshold Photoelectron-Photoion Coincidence | method |
TPES | Threshold Photoelectron Spectroscopy | method |
TPS | Taiwan Photon Source | synchrotron |
TRDS | Total Reflection Double-Slit | device |
TWINMIC | ELETTRA beamline for multipurpose twin X-ray microscopy ("BL 1.1L") | beamline |
TXM | Transmission X-ray Microscopy | device |
TXRF | Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis and Related Methods | Konferenz |
UGCT | "Centre for X-ray Tomography" at Ghent University | institution |
UHV | Ultra High Vacuum | term |
ULX | Ultra-Luminous X-ray source | device |
UMPA | Unified Modulated Pattern Analysis (in der Röntgenphasenkontrastbildgebung) | method |
URA | Uniformly Redundant Array (in einem Teleskop mit kodierter Maske) | term |
USAXS | Ultra Small Angle X-ray Scattering | method |
UV | Ultraviolet (light) | term |
UVSOR | Ultraviolet Synchrotron Orbital Radiation Facility, Okazaki, Japan | synchrotron |
VIS | Visible (light) | term |
voxel | "volumetric pixel"; the equivalent to the term "pixel" in 2D imaging in 3D imaging | term |
VSX | VSX Light Source, Kashiwa, Japan | synchrotron |
VUV | SLS beamline for Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation (at "X04DB") | beamline |
WAM | Wide-band All-sky Monitor | device |
WAXS | Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering | method |
WG | Wave Guide | device |
WM | Working Mask (in the LIGA-process) | device |
XADAR | X-Ray Detection and Ranging | method |
XAES | X-Ray-Excited Auger Electron Spectroscopy | method |
XAFS | X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure | method |
XALOC | ALBA beamline for macromolecular crystallography (= "XALOC - BL13") | beamline |
XANES | X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure | method |
XANES | X-ray Absorption Near-edge Spectra | method |
XAS | früher: ALBA beamline for X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy | beamline |
XAS | X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy | method |
XEDS | X-Ray Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy | method |
XES | X-ray Emission Spectroscopy | method |
XEUS | Planned European X-ray telescope satellite | device |
XFEL | X-ray Free Electron Laser | device |
XFH | X-ray Fluorescence Holography | method |
XFILM | X-ray Full-field Imaging through Lens-based Microdiffraction | method |
XG | X-ray Grating | device |
XGI | X-ray Grating Interferometry | method |
XGS | X-ray Grating Spectrometer | device |
XIL | SLS beamline for X-ray Interference Lithography | beamline |
XMCD | ALBA beamline for magnetic dichroism in soft x-ray absorption and resonant scattering (= "BL29 XMCD") | beamline |
XMCD | X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism | Effekt |
XMLD | X-ray Magnetic Linear Dichroism | Effekt |
XMM | X-ray Multi Mirror | device |
XMS | X-ray Microcalorimeter Spectrometer | device |
XPZL | X-ray Prism Zoom Lens | device |
XPCS | X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy | method |
XPD | X-ray Powder Diffraction | method |
XPD | X-ray Powder Diffraction | beamline |
X-PEEM | X-ray Photoelectron Emission Microscopy | method |
XPL | X-ray refractive Prism Lens | device |
XPS | X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy | method |
XRB | X-ray Background | term |
XRC | X-ray Crystallography | method |
XRC | X-ray Contrast | term |
XRCD | X-Ray Crystal Density | term |
XRCF | X-Ray Calibration Facility (NASA) | institution |
XRD | X-ray Diffraction | method |
XRDA | X-Ray Diffraction Analysis | method |
XREA | X-Ray Event Analyzer | device |
XRES | X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy | method |
XRF | X-ray Fluorescence | method |
XRFA | X-ray Fluorescence Analysis | method |
XRFD | X-Ray Fluorescence Densitometry | method |
XRFS | X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy | method |
XRG | X-Ray Generator | device |
XRII | X-Ray Image Intensifier | device |
XRIM | X-ray reflection imaging microscope | device |
XRL | X-Ray Laser | device |
XRL | X-Ray Lithography | method |
XRM | X-Ray Microscope | device |
XRM | X-Ray Microscopy | method |
XRMA | X-Ray Micro-Analysis | method |
XRMF | X-Ray Micro-Fluorescence | method |
XRMS | X-ray Resonant Magnetic Scattering; X-Ray Spectroscopy of Magnetic Solids | method |
XRP | X-Ray Polychromator | device |
XRPD | X-Ray Powder Diffraction | method |
XRPL | X-Ray Proximity Lithography | method |
XRR | X-Ray Reflectometry | method |
XRS | X-ray Sensor | device |
XRS | X-Ray Sensitivity | term |
XRT | X-Ray Telescope | device |
XRT | X-Ray Topography | method |
XSA | X-ray Stress Analysis | method |
XSAD | X-Ray Small Angle Diffraction | method |
XSAM | X-ray Scanning Analytical Microscope (analytisches Rasterröntgenmikroskop) | device |
XSM | X-Ray Solar Monitor | device |
XSPEC | X-Ray Spectrum | term |
XT | X-ray Tube | device |
XTA | X-ray Texture Analysis | method |
XTAL | Crystal | device |
XTM | X-ray Tomography | method |
XTS | X-ray Transmission Spectroscopy | method |
XTT | X-ray tensor tomography | method |
XVO | X-ray Vortex Optics (gives: spiral phase contrast images) | device |
XWG | X-ray Wave Guide | device |
ZD-FZP | Zone-Doubled Fresnel Zone Plate | device |
ZP | Zone Plate | device |
ZPCXM | Zernike Phase Contrast X-ray Microscopy | method |
single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)